Hulchul is a 1971 Bollywood thriller film directed by O. P. Ralhan with he himself playing lead role with Prem Chopra, Helen and Madan Puri among others. Both Zeenat Aman and Kabir Bedi made their acting debuts with the film.Synopsis
Peter (O. P. Ralhan) and Kitty (Helen) love each other, but due to Peter's poverty, they are unable to marry each other. One day, during one secret rendezvous, Peter & Kitty accidentally overhear a conversation between a Mahesh Jetley & his paramour, where Mahesh tells her that he is soon going to bump his wife on a certain date. Peter & Kitty decide to foil this man's plans. However, there are 2 problems :- 1] They have not seen Mahesh or his paramour's face. 2] Even if they had, no one would believe their story.