Mr. Boogedy is a 1986 made-for-television family film, directed by Oz Scott and written by Michael Janover, which originally aired as an episode of "The Disney Sunday Movie." It tells the story of a gag gift salesman and his family moving into a new house in New England which they soon find to be haunted by ghosts from the colonial period.
The film's sequel, Bride of Boogedy, aired in 1987.Synopsis
Thrilled to finally move into a full-sized house in Lucifer Falls, New England, Carlton and Eloise Davis along with their children Jennifer, Corwin, and Aurie arrive at their new home on a dark, gloomy night. As they enter and search for a light switch, they are spooked by an old man named Neil Witherspoon who warns them about the house's tragic history telling them to beware of the Boogedy Man.