My Best Friend Is a Vampire (also known as I Was a Teenage Vampire) is a 1987 American horror-comedy film directed by Jimmy Huston. The story revolves around a newly made vampire who is trying to live as a "good" vampire and not feed on humans. Jeremy is played by Robert Sean Leonard with Rene Auberjonois as Jeremy's vampire guidance counsel and David Warner as a vampire hunter. The film's themes include prejudice, identity, gender roles, and adolescence.Synopsis
Jeremy Capello (Robert Sean Leonard), is a typical American teenager fighting with the usual problem of getting himself a girlfriend. Although he has caught the eye of the head cheerleader Candy (LeeAnne Locken), he has his eyes on his classmate and band geek Darla Blake (Cheryl Pollak), but she in turn is unnerved by his constant staring at her.