Ship of Theseus is a 2013 Indian drama film written and directed by Anand Gandhi, and produced by actor Sohum Shah. The film explores "questions of identity, justice, beauty, meaning and death through the stories of an experimental photographer, an ailing monk and an enterprising stockbroker", played by Aida El-Kashef, Neeraj Kabi and Sohum Shah.
After three years in development, the film premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival, where it received great critical acclaim and was touted as "the hidden gem of the year".
It has received highly positive reviews from both Indian and international press and has been hailed as "the most significant film to come out of India in a very long time". Film critic Derek Malcolm has called it a "life-changing film" and Variety commended its "unexpected grandeur".
The title of the film alludes to Theseus’ paradox, most notably recorded in Life of Theseus, wherein the Greek historian and philosopher Plutarch inquires whether a ship that has been restored by replacing all its parts remains the same ship.
The film released in India on 19 July 2013. It won the award for the Best Feature Film of the year at the 61st National Film Awards.Synopsis
Une jeune photographe aveugle, un moine bouddhiste fatigué et un jeune entrepreneur au foie fragile se trouvent confrontés à une crise majeure, lorsqu’ils ont la possibilité de guérir grâce à un don d’organe. Mais un bateau dont on change toutes les pièces, est-il toujours le même bateau ?