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Wajahat Mirza Changezi est un Réalisateur et Scénariste Indien né le 20 avril 1908 à Sitapur (Inde)

Wajahat Mirza Changezi

Wajahat Mirza Changezi
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Nom de naissance Mirza Wajahat Husain Changezi
Nationalité Inde
Naissance 20 avril 1908 à Sitapur (Inde)
Mort 4 aout 1990 (à 82 ans)
Récompenses Filmfare Award for Best Dialogue, Filmfare Awards

Wajahat Mirza (Urdu: وجاہت مرزا‎, Hindi: वजाहत मिर्ज़ा) (20 April 1908 - 4 August 1990), also known as Vajahat Mirza and Wajahat Mirza Changezi, was an Indian screenwriter and film director who has penned the dialogues of some of the most successful films in India during the 50's & 60's.

He was born in Sitapur, a small town 89 kilometers from Lucknow. While studying at Jubilee College Mirza became acquainted with cinematographer Krishan Gopal of Calcutta, and worked as his assistant. He later co-produced with singer Midgan Kumar a movie called Anookhi Moohabat ("Crazy Lover") in Bombay. Mirza became a dialogue and screenplay writer and was also one of the first Indians to be nominated for an Oscar for the movie Mother India.

Mirza won Filmfare Best Dialogue Award twice, in 1961 for Mughal-e-Azam, and in 1962 for Ganga Jamuna.

In a career spanning well over 50 years, Wajahat Mirza wrote the Dialogue for 31 Movies in which he also contributed as screenplay writer for 6 and wrote stories for 2. Early in his career, he also directed 5 movies.

He died in Karachi in 1990.

Ses meilleurs films

Mother India (1957)

Le plus souvent avec

Mehboob Khan
Mehboob Khan
(7 films)
Dilip Kumar
Dilip Kumar
(7 films)
(5 films)
Naushad Ali
Naushad Ali
(5 films)
Sunil Dutt
Sunil Dutt
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmographie de Wajahat Mirza Changezi (22 films)

Afficher la filmographie sous forme de liste



Ganga Ki Saugand
Réalisé par Sultan Ahmed
Genres Action, Policier, Romance
Acteurs Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha, Amjad Khan, Pran Krishan Sikand, Bindu, Iftekhar
Note51% 2.579752.579752.579752.579752.57975
Thakur Jaswant Singh rules over the region with an iron hand. He has no pity or empathy for the poor, all he is interested in is their money, their women, and alcohol. After the passing away of his dad, he assumes total control over the region, and increases the taxes. One day while walking across the hallway, he trips over the wet floor, and falls down. He gets up angrily and assaults the old woman, Ramvati, who was washing the floor. His abuse is interrupted by the arrival of Ramvati's son, Jeeva, who intervenes. Jaswant is ready to shoot him down, but Jaswant's mom prevents him from doing so. Word gets around that Jeeva is in the bad books of the Thakur, and soon a number of people start conspiring against Jeeva. The next day Jeeva is summoned before the village council and asked to explain his involvement in the death of a cow. Jeeva has no satisfactory explanation, and he is asked to leave the village immediately with his mother. Jeeva refuses to do so, and is severely beaten, and thrown out. Shortly thereafter his mother passes away, and Jeeva decides to avenge her death by bringing about the downfall of Jaswant Singh. In order to do this, he becomes a dacoit. Jeeva swears on the holy river Ganga to wipe out Jaswant Singh and his men, without knowing his decision will bring him into conflict with the police, and with the honest people from the very community he was exiled from.
Yeh Gulistan Hamara
Acteurs Dev Anand, Sharmila Tagore, Pran Krishan Sikand, Sujit Dhungana, Johnny Walker, Kanan Kaushal
Note65% 3.2861853.2861853.2861853.2861853.286185
India is worried about its north eastern residents who are cut off from the mainland and are generally backward, illiterate and under developed. The government appoints special officer cum civil engineer Vijay (Dev Anand)to construct a bridge over a river next to the tribal village of Ding in the north eastern part of India. Ding is ruled by the cruel and autocratic Deng Do Rani (Pran) and his henchmen Haku (Jankidas), Teju (Sujit Kumar) and trusted fighter Soo Reni (Sharmila Tagore), a beautiful girl. Deng Do Rani wants to sabotage the construction and sends Soo Reni and other warriors to demolish the bridge. They are captured by Vijay's officers and treated with respect and equality. Deng Do Rani sends others to kill the band captured, and the Indian Officers under the leadership of Vijay fight bravely to protect them. Soo Reni and her companions have a change of heart and pledge to support Vijay in his mission. Vijay and Soo Reni also fall in love with each other.
Leader (1964)
, 2h56
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Dilip Kumar, Vyjayanthimala, Sapru, Nasir Husain, Jankidas, Motilal
Note71% 3.574493.574493.574493.574493.57449
Vijay Khanna is a law graduate-cum-tabloid editor he falls in love with Princess Sunita, while general election are underway. Vijay becomes accused of a political leaders murder. Gradually the couple tries to expose a criminal-politician nexus.
Gunga Jumna, 2h58
Réalisé par Nitin Bose
Genres Policier
Acteurs Vyjayanthimala, Nazir Hussain, Leela Chitnis, Dilip Kumar, Helen Khan, Aruna Irani
Note73% 3.684443.684443.684443.684443.68444
The film is about two brothers, Ganga and Jamuna, growing up in a village controlled by an evil landlord. When Ganga is framed by the landlord for a crime he did not commit, he escapes to the mountains with his girlfiend, Dhanno, and joins a band of bandits. His younger brother, Jamuna, is sent to the city for his education and becomes a police officer. Years later, when Ganga is about to become a father, he decides to return to the village to ask for forgiveness. However, Jamuna wants him to surrender to the police for his crimes and when Ganga refuses and tries to leave, Jamuna shoots him dead. Ganga's death rendered more poignant by the fact that it was his money that paid for Jamuna's education and allowed him to become a policeman.
Kohinoor (1960)
, 2h31
Acteurs Dilip Kumar, Meena Kumari, Leela Chitnis, Jeevan, Kumkum, Mukri
Note67% 3.3761553.3761553.3761553.3761553.376155
After the passing of Maharaj Dhiraj Rana Chandrabhan of Kailash Nagar, the Senapati, Veer Singh, crowns Rajkumar Dhivendra Pratap Bahadur Chandrabhan as the next King. Veer's wife, who has brought up Dhivendra like her own son, Surinder, would like Dhivendra to get married to Rajkumari Chandramukhi of Rajgarh. The Maharaja of Rajgarh is pleased to hear of this, and asks his daughter to set forth to Kailash Nagar. On the way there, she is abducted by her very own Senapati and held captive until she gives her consent to marry him. Dhivendra rescues her, both fall in love, but are captured by Senapati's men. Dhivendra is gravelly injured but manages to escape and is looked after Rajgarh's Raj Nartaki, Rajlaxmi, who also falls in love with him. After Dhivendra recuperates, he finds out that Chandramukhi is being against her will at Senapati's castle, he sets forth to set her free, but is captured in the process. Held in chains, he is blinded by a vengeful Rajlaxmi, and Chandramukhi is given an ultimatum - either wed Senapati or witness the death of Dhivendra.
Mughal-E-Azam, 2h53
Réalisé par K. Asif
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Biographie, Romance
Thèmes La musique, Politique, Théâtre, Musique, Politique, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre, Bollywood, Royauté
Acteurs Prithviraj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar, Madhubala, Durga Khote, Nigar Sultana, Ajit Khan
Note80% 4.045614.045614.045614.045614.04561
L'histoire se situe au XVI siècle dans l'Empire moghol. Envoyé sur le champ de bataille pour affermir son caractère, le prince héritier Salim, revient au palais impérial auréolé de quatorze années de guerres victorieuses. Accueilli avec fierté par son père, l'empereur Akbar, et avec amour par sa mère, la reine Jodhaa Bai, il retrouve avec plaisir la douceur de la cour. Il y tombe follement amoureux de la danseuse Anarkali dont il veut faire sa femme. Soucieux des intérêts de l'empire, Akbar rejette violemment cette mésalliance, emprisonne la jeune femme et la condamne à mort. Le prince s'oppose alors à son père, lui contestant le droit de régir ses sentiments comme il le fait du pays. Il fait évader Anarkali, la cache et se rebelle, entraînant une partie de l'armée avec lui. L'affrontement se solde par la victoire d'Akbar qui se résout à faire exécuter son fils unique. Anarkali se livre alors à l'empereur pour sauver l'homme qu'elle aime.
Yahudi (1958)
, 2h50
Réalisé par Bimal Roy
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Action, Péplum, Romance
Thèmes Afrique post-coloniale, Religion, Politique, Religion juive, Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre, Royauté
Acteurs Dilip Kumar, Meena Kumari, Sohrab Merwanji Modi, Nazir Hussain, Nigar Sultana, Helen Khan
Note70% 3.5261053.5261053.5261053.5261053.526105
Le film se déroule dans la Rome antique à une époque où les Juifs sont persécutés par l'empire. Brutus (Nazir Husain) est accidentellement blessé au cours d'une parade en ville par le fils du joaillier juif Ezra (Sohrab Modi). Irascible et tyrannique, Brutus s'obstine à croire à un attentat et fait exécuter l'enfant en le faisant jeter aux lions dans l'arène du cirque. Pour tirer vengeance de Brutus, Ezra parvient à faire kidnapper sa fille, Lydia, encore enfant, qu'il renomme Hannah et élève comme sa propre fille. Devenue adulte (jouée alors par Meena Kumari), elle rencontre un homme dont elle tombe amoureuse. Mais elle ignore qu'il s'agit d'un prince romain, Marcus (Dilip Kumar), fils de l'empereur lui-même, et déjà destiné à un mariage arrangé avec la nièce de Brutus, Octivia (Nigar Sultana), qu'il n'aime pas.
Mother India, 2h55
Réalisé par Mehboob Khan
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Comédie musicale, Musical, Mélodrame
Thèmes La famille, Féminisme, La musique, Musique, Bollywood
Acteurs Nargis, Sunil Dutt, Rajendra Kumar Tuli, Raaj Kumar, Kumkum, Mukri
Note77% 3.8957453.8957453.8957453.8957453.895745
Dans les années 1960, dans l'Inde rurale, La vie au quotidien d'un jeune couple. Le mari, Shamu (Raaj Kumar), puéril, brûle d'une passion évidente pour elle. La femme, Radha (Nargis), plus réservée, respectant les traditions indiennes, encore sous le joug de sa mère, n'ose trop s'approcher.