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El oficio mas antiguo del mundo est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Luis Alcoriza avec Lupita Ferrer

El oficio mas antiguo del mundo (1970)

El oficio mas antiguo del mundo
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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie
Themes Sexualité,    Erotique,    Prostitution
Note59% 2.9772352.9772352.9772352.9772352.977235

El oficio más antiguo del mundo ("The World's Oldest Profession") is a 1970 Mexican film. It was directed by Luis Alcoriza.


Lupita Ferrer

Gloria Marín

Isela Vega

Fernando Luján

Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 37 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 24 films avec le même réalisateur, 85943 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 11662 ayant exactement les mêmes 2 genres que El oficio mas antiguo del mundo), 7308 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes (dont 638 films qui ont les mêmes 3 thèmes que El oficio mas antiguo del mundo), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

Si vous avez aimé El oficio mas antiguo del mundo, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Naná (1985)

Réalisé par Irma Serrano
Genres Drame, Musical, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Sexploitation
Acteurs Irma Serrano, Isela Vega, Verónica Castro, Manuel Ojeda
Note62% 3.141183.141183.141183.141183.14118
In the Paris of the 19th century, a prostitute causes uproar. The name of the prostitute is Teresa, but everyone knows her as Naná (Irma Serrano). Naná and her best friend Satan (Veronica Castro) work as prostitutes, first on the streets of Paris, and after in a small room. In her youth, Naná was sexually abused by her stepfather and thrown from her home by her mother. As the result of this violation, she gave birth to a son. Naná prostitutes herself to raise her son, whom she stays away from her, under the care of her aunt. Nana occasionally works in a theater, which is really an underground brothel. One night, Naná is presented in the theater as "The Venus of Fire," and caused a sensation by showing her naked body. Immediately the most powerful men come to her offering jewelry and luxuries for her favors. Naná accepts the attentions of a banker, who presents her with a house in the French countryside. In this house, Naná holds an affair with a young aristocrat who she called Coquito (Jaime Garza). This same night, she is pressed by the banker to fulfill her sexual favors, while the owner of the theater-brothel where she worked, forced herto return to fulfill a contract. Naná repudiate both men and seeks solace in the Count Muffat (Manuel Ojeda), a distinguished and respectable aristocrat dedicated to the charity. However, Muffat confesses that he has also succumbed to her charms and desires her. Disappointed, Naná decides to leave her life as a courtesan and returns to work on the streets. However, one night that she is chased by the police, Naná is rescued by Satin (Isela Vega), a courtesan and friend. After spending the night together, Satin convinces her to return to her life as a courtesan. Naná then accepted becoming mistress of Count Muffat and returns to the theater to present her nude shows. With support from Muffat Nana tries to become a serious actress, snatching the characters to the actress and courtesan Rosa Mignon, but is ridiculed, because they say that she only serves to show her naked body. Disappointment causes that Naná falling into the lowest degradation. Her home becomes in the center of the vice of Paris, where people go to get drunk, performed orgies and all sorts of sexual debauchery. One night, the Count Muffat, who has been ruined by the debauchery of Naná, decides to face her in the middle of a party hosted by her for the triumphs of a mare (called Naná in her honor) in a horse show. In comparison, Naná reveals to the Count Muffat the adultery of his wife in this same house. The Count decides to leave her. That night, her young lover Coquito, commits suicide after he to discover that Naná had sexual relations with his brother, a soldier. After tonight, Naná decided to retire from life as a courtesan. Her friend Satan dies victim from tuberculosis.
Le Rosier de madame Husson, 1h20
Réalisé par Dominique Bernard-Deschamps
Origine France
Genres Drame, Comédie
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution, Thriller érotique
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Sex and Zen 3, 1h39
Origine Hong kong
Genres Drame, Comédie, Aventure, Romance
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution, La virginité
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Combien tu m'aimes ?, 1h35
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Thèmes Maladie, Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution, Thriller érotique
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La Crème de la crème, 1h30
Réalisé par Kim Chapiron
Origine France
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution, Thriller érotique
Acteurs Marianne Denicourt, Thomas Blumenthal, Jean-Baptiste Lafarge, Alice Isaaz, Jonathan Cohen, Romain Gavras
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L'histoire se déroule en France. Trois jeunes adultes, Dan, Louis et Kelliah (récemment admise) mènent tous les trois leurs études au sein de la plus prestigieuse école de commerce européenne (certains médias considéreront qu'il s'agit de HEC Paris). Pour aider leur ami Jafaar à coucher avec une fille, ils vont créer un réseau de prostitution, « Les amateurs de Cigares ». Voyant que cela sert leurs propres intérêts, ils vont en faire un vrai commerce.
Star Maps
Star Maps (1997)
, 1h26
Réalisé par Miguel Arteta
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie, Comédie dramatique
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Homosexualité, Prostitution, LGBT, LGBT
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This allegorical tale concerns the gap that exists between East and West Los Angeles as Latino kids try to pursue the American Dream. After five years of living in Mexico, an 18-year-old youth returns to Los Angeles with aspirations of becoming a movie star. At the urging of his father, a pimp who sells maps to stars' homes as a cover, the young man turns to hustling as a way to meet Hollywood insiders. Things start to look up when he hooks up with the producer of the popular daytime soap opera Carmel County. However his overbearing father and his mentally unstable mother threaten to get in the way of his dreams.
Les Babysitters, 1h30
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie
Thèmes Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution
Acteurs John Leguizamo, Cynthia Nixon, Katherine Waterston, Andy Comeau, Alexandra Daddario, Bridget Regan
Note56% 2.8071852.8071852.8071852.8071852.807185
Shirley Lyner (Katherine Waterston), étudiante sans histoire de 16 ans, fait du baby-sitting pour se faire de l'argent de poche. Un soir, elle a une aventure avec Michael Beltran (John Leguizamo) qui la raccompagne après qu'elle a gardé ses enfants. Il la paye pour ses services en la déposant chez elle. Michael raconte leur histoire à son ami Jerry (Andy Comeau) qui contacte Shirley pour lui trouver une baby-sitter. C'est son amie Melissa (Lauren Birkell) qui assurera le service. Bien vite, la réputation de cette agence de « baby-sitters / call girls » se propage, et Shirley devient proxénète en employant ses camarades du lycée.