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Neel Kamal est un film de genre Drame avec Waheeda Rehman

Neel Kamal (1968)

Neel Kamal
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Durée 2h40
Genres Drame,    Fantasy,    Musical
Themes Religion
Note67% 3.3858853.3858853.3858853.3858853.385885

Neel Kamal is a 1968 Hindi film directed by Ram Maheshwari starring Waheeda Rehman in the title role. Other stars includes Raaj Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Mehmood, Balraj Sahni, Lalita Pawar and Shashikala.

Waheeda Rehman won the Filmfare Best Actress Award for her role in this film.


Sita (Waheeda Rehman) and her friends go on a trip. Sita sleepwalks and when she is about to be hit by a train on the railway track, Ram (Manoj Kumar) saves her. Impressed, her father decides to get her married to him. After the marriage, Sita discovers that her sleepwalking is not a simple sleepwalking as it takes her to the story of her past life - Chitrasen (Raaj Kumar), an artisan, is in love with the princess Sita (Neelkamal in her past life). The king rejects his alliance for his daughter, and buries him alive.
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