The Tramp Dentists is a 1913 American silent short comedy film released by the newly formed Joker productions by the Universal Film Manufacturing Company. Directed by Allen Curtis, the film's cast includes Max Asher, Lee Morris, Eddie Boland Joseph Singleton and Bobby Vernon. The film is centered on two tramps, Dusty and Weary, who take over a dentist shop and get rich through their untrained dentistry, extracting teeth with pincers and ice tongs. After earning a large amount of money, the tramps return to their old way of life. Released on October 29, 1913, this film was the second Joker comedy. The film received some criticism for its vulgar humor. The film had a wide national release in the United States, but the film is presumed lost.
Two tramps, named Dusty and Weary, awake from their slumber in a hay stock and are overcome with thirst. The two drink from a horse trough and Dusty complains of toothache. The two go to the dentist office only to be kicked out. When the dentist departs on a cruise the two tramps then pose as dentists and occupy the office and pull teeth with pincers and tongs. When the rightful owners return they drive off again. The tramps continue in their venture and quickly make a large sum of money before they desire their old way of life. The two tramps then surrender the office to its rightful owners.
, 1h18 Réalisé parDel Tenney OrigineEtats-Unis GenresScience-fiction, Horreur, Musical ThèmesMaladie, La musique, Zombie, Musique, Épidémie, Film catastrophe Note33% At a small East Coast beach town, a boat dumps radioactive toxic waste into the ocean, which lands on a sunken ship and the skeletons of shipwrecked dead sailors. The skeletons and water plants are mutated by the waste, transforming into half-human, half-fish monsters that makes their way to the surface.