Complicit is a 2013 British television film, produced by Many Rivers Films for Channel 4. It was directed by Niall MacCormick, written by Guy Hibbert, and produced by Jolyon Symonds and Kevin Toolis. David Oyelowo plays an MI5 officer who travels to Egypt to question a young man he believes is planning a terrorist attack using ricin.Synopsis
Edward Ekubo (David Oyelowo) is a case officer for the British Security Service, MI5. He is keeping Waleed Ahmed (Arsher Ali), a British citizen of Yemeni descent, under surveillance as he believes Ahmed has been radicalised and is planning a terrorist attack in the UK. However, his supervisor and head of section are sceptical due to the lack of solid evidence. Ekubo feels his instincts are ignored and his career prospects stifled because he is black and studied at Warwick University rather than Oxford or Cambridge.